213 - A12 - Variable in Matrix

118 days ago by Professor213

var('b') A = matrix([[-3,-2,-2],[-7,-2,-4],[-1,5+b,0]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form()) 


var('b') A = matrix([[2,1,7,0],[3,-1,3,0],[1,2,8,0]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form()) 


# to see what was divided by, stick a column of 1's on the end of each row var('b,c') A = matrix([[-3,-2,-2,1],[-7,-2,-4,1],[-1,5+b,0,1]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form()) 


var('a,b,c,h') A = matrix([[1,-5,1],[-1,7,1],[3,8,h]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form()) 


var('a,b,c,h') A = matrix([[1,-5,1,a],[-1,7,1,b],[3,8,h,c]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form()) 


# change to octave mode before evaluating this cell A = [1 -5 1; -1 7 8; 3 8 6] rref(A) 
A =

 1 -5 1
 -1 7 8
 3 8 6

ans =

 1 0 0
 0 1 0
 0 0 1
A =

 1 -5 1
 -1 7 8
 3 8 6

ans =

 1 0 0
 0 1 0
 0 0 1
var('a,b,c') A = matrix([[1,-1,0,a],[0,1,-1,b],[-1,0,1,c]]) show(A) show(A.echelon_form())