213 - A19 - Linear Dynamical System

4 days ago by Professor213

This worksheet allows the user to input a transition matrix and initial vector and then iterate for any desired number of time steps.

John Travis

Mississippi College

%hide %auto N=2 print pretty_print(html("<font size=+2 color=blue>Enter N below. Click Update when you are finished.</font>")) @interact def _(Size_of_System=[2..10],update=false): global N N = Size_of_System pretty_print(html("<font size=+2 color=blue>The size of your square system will be "+str(N)+"$\\times$"+str(N)+"</font>")) pretty_print(html("<font size=+2 color=blue>Evaluate the cell below and enter the system data.</font>")) 
Enter N below. Click Update when you are finished. None

Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window

%auto print pretty_print(html("<font size=+2 color=blue>Enter the transition matrix for your dynamical system and the starting state below.<p> You can tab to navigate between cells. Click Update when you are finished.</font><p>")) @interact def _(Transition_Matrix=zero_matrix(QQ,N,N),Initial_State=zero_matrix(QQ,N,1),auto_update=False): global A global b A = Transition_Matrix b = Initial_State 
Enter the transition matrix for your dynamical system and the starting state below.

You can tab to navigate between cells. Click Update when you are finished.



Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window

%auto print 'Using the data' show(A) b0 = copy(b) show(b0) 
Using the data

Using the data


Assignment: For a given dynamical systems problem (should be stated here):

  • Perform one step below to make certain your dynamical system is working properly
  • Perform a small number of steps (say 5-10) and notice any drastic changes in any of the various populations
  • Perform a large number of steps and notice whether the populations tend to stabilize about a given value.
  • Write up your results in a text cell below. Be certain to cut-and-paste the transition matrix and initial values into another cell for me to see what you used. A copy is output below the interactive cell below for you to grab and save.
[24/25  3/50]
[ 1/25 47/50]
[24/25  3/50]
[ 1/25 47/50]
%auto @interact def _(steps = slider(1,100,1,1)): global A,b b = copy(b0) print b terms = range(b.nrows()) colors = rainbow(b.nrows()) P = Graphics() # S = Graphics() for term in terms: P += point2d((0,b[term][0]),color=colors[term]) for k in range(1,steps): b = A*b # S += point2d((b[0][k],b[1][k])) for term in terms: P += point2d((k,b[term][0]),color=colors[term],size=30) show(P) # show(S) print pretty_print(html('Final values:\n'),b.n()) 

Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window

%auto show(A) show(b0) show(b) 


A = matrix([[95/100,3/100],[5/100,97/100]]) show(A) C = A.inverse() x = matrix([[582],[418]]) show(x) x0 = x x1 = A*x0 show(x1) x2 = A*x1 show(x2) x3 = A*x2 show(x3)