222 - Topic 20 - Vector Field Viewing 3D

1676 days ago by Professor222

John Travis

Mississippi College

Vector Field Viewing.

In the interactive cell below, enter functions for each of the three components  of the 3D vector field $F(x,y,z) = <F_1,F_2,F_3>$.  Be certain to put your 3D glasses on for best viewing.  You may adjust your the image by RIGHT-clicking on the graphic and selecting one of the listed options.

%hide %auto var('x,y,z') @interact def _(A=input_box(default=x-sin(z),label='$F_1(x,y,z) = $'), B=input_box(default=-y*cos(z),label='$F_2(x,y,z) = $'), C=input_box(1.7*sin(z),label='$F_3(x,y,z) = $'), threed=checkbox(default=true,label='3D view'), more_pts=checkbox(default=False,label='More Vectors?')): field = (A,B,C) if more_pts: density_vectors = 8 else: density_vectors = 5 H=plot_vector_field3d(field, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), (z,-2,2),plot_points=density_vectors,colors=['red','green','blue'],box='False') if threed: show(H,stereo='redcyan',spin=true,figsize=(6,9)) else: show(H,spin=true,perspective_depth=true,figsize=(6,9)) 

Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window

%auto # This routine is a copy of the built-in function "plot_vector_field3d" but where # the autoscaling feature has been disabled so that vectors are displayed using their # actual length def plot_vector_field3d_unscaled(vec, xrange, yrange, zrange, plot_points=[5,5,5], factor=1, colors='jet', center_arrows=False,**kwds): from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid (ff,gg,hh), ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(vec, [xrange, yrange, zrange], plot_points) xpoints, ypoints, zpoints = [srange(*r, include_endpoint=True) for r in ranges] points = [vector((i,j,k)) for i in xpoints for j in ypoints for k in zpoints] vectors = [vector((ff(*point), gg(*point), hh(*point))) for point in points] try: cm=get_cmap(colors) assert(cm is not None) except: if not isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)): colors=[colors] cm=ListedColormap(colors) # max_len = max(v.norm() for v in vectors) max_len = 1/factor # factor=1 means original length scaled_vectors = [v/max_len for v in vectors] if center_arrows: return sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p-v/2) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)]) else: return sum([plot(v,color=cm(v.norm()),**kwds).translate(p) for v,p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)]) 
%auto var('x,y,z') @interact def _(A=input_box(default=x^2*z,label='$F_1(x,y,z) = $'), B=input_box(default=-2*x*z,label='$F_2(x,y,z) = $'), C=input_box(y*z,label='$F_3(x,y,z) = $'), threed=checkbox(default=true,label='3D view'), vector_field=checkbox(default=true,label='Show Vector Field'), curl_field=checkbox(default=true,label='Show Curl Field'), more_pts=checkbox(default=False,label='More Vectors?'), way_more_pts=checkbox(default=False,label='Lots More Vectors?'), scale_factor=slider(1/20,2,1/20,1/5)): field = (A,B,C) curlf = (derivative(C,y)-derivative(B,z),derivative(C,x)-derivative(A,z),derivative(B,x)-derivative(A,y)) if way_more_pts: density_vectors = 10 elif more_pts: density_vectors = 8 else: density_vectors = 5 H = Graphics() if vector_field: H+=plot_vector_field3d_unscaled(field, (x,-1,1), (y,-1,1), (z,0,2*pi),factor=scale_factor, plot_points=density_vectors,colors=['green','green','green'],box='False') H+=text3d("Vector Field.",(1,1,6.8),color='green') if curl_field: H+=plot_vector_field3d_unscaled(curlf, (x,-1,1), (y,-1,1), (z,0,2*pi),factor=scale_factor, plot_points=density_vectors,colors=['red','red','red'],box='False',opacity=0.5) H+=text3d("Curl Field.",(1,1,6.5)) if threed: show(H,stereo='redcyan',spin=true,figsize=(8,12)) else: show(H,spin=true,perspective_depth=true,figsize=(8,12)) 

Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window

# This is for a MC banner var('x,y,z') @interact def _(A=input_box(default=x-sin(z),label='$F_1(x,y,z) = $'), B=input_box(default=-y*cos(z),label='$F_2(x,y,z) = $'), C=input_box(1.7*sin(z),label='$F_3(x,y,z) = $'), threed=checkbox(default=true,label='3D view'), more_pts=checkbox(default=False,label='More Vectors?')): field = (A,B,C) if more_pts: density_vectors = 8 else: density_vectors = 5 H=plot_vector_field3d(field, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), (z,-2,2),plot_points=density_vectors,colors=['red','green','blue'],frame=0,axes=0) T = ['Math is Awesome!'] pi2 = 2*pi for n in range(16): k = n-8 H += text3d(T[0][n], (2*cos(k/pi2),2*sin(k/pi2),k/8-1),color='blue') if threed: show(H,stereo='redcyan',spin=true,figsize=(9,9)) else: show(H,spin=true,perspective_depth=true,figsize=(6,9)) 

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T = ['Math @ MC is Awesome!'] T[0][1]