# Working on some changes to the user interface
from sage.plot.plot3d.platonic import index_face_set
def cuboid(v1,v2,**kwds):
Cuboid defined by corner points v1 and v2.
ptlist = []
for vi in (v1,v2):
for vj in (v1,v2):
for vk in (v1,v2):
f_incs = [[0, 2, 6, 4], [0, 1, 3, 2], [0, 1, 5, 4], [1, 3, 7, 5], [2, 3, 7, 6], [4, 5, 7, 6]]
if 'aspect_ratio' not in kwds:
kwds['aspect_ratio'] = [1,1,1]
return index_face_set(f_incs,ptlist,enclosed = True, **kwds)
R16 = RealField(16)
npi = RDF(pi)
sin,cos = math.sin,math.cos
html("<h1>The midpoint rule for a function of two variables</h1>")
def midpoint2d(func = input_box('y*sin(x)/x+sin(y)',type=str,label='function of x and y'),
nx = slider(2,20,1,3,label='x subdivisions'),
ny = slider(2,20,1,3,label='y subdivisions'),
x_start = input_box(0,width=10,label='$x_0$'),
x_end = input_box(10.1,width=10,label='$x_1$'),
y_start = input_box(0.1,width=10,label='$y_0$'),
y_end = input_box(10.1,width=10,label='$y_1$')):
f = sage_eval('lambda x,y: ' + func)
delx = (x_end - x_start)/nx
dely = (y_end - y_start)/ny
xvals = [RDF(x_start + (i+1.0/2)*delx) for i in range(nx)]
yvals = [RDF(y_start + (i+1.0/2)*dely) for i in range(ny)]
num_approx = 0
cubs = []
darea = delx*dely
for xv in xvals:
for yv in yvals:
num_approx += f(xv,yv)*darea
cubs.append(cuboid([xv-delx/2,yv-dely/2,0],[xv+delx/2,yv+dely/2,f(xv,yv)], opacity = .5, rgbcolor = (1,0,0)))
html("$$\int_{"+str(R16(y_start))+"}^{"+str(R16(y_end))+"} "+ "\int_{"+str(R16(x_start))+"}^{"+str(R16(x_end))+"} "+func+"\ dx \ dy$$")
html('<p style="text-align: center;">Numerical approximation: ' + str(num_approx)+'</p>')
p1 = plot3d(f,(x,x_start,x_end),(y,y_start,y_end))
Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window