# Combining all of the above into one interactive cell
def _(D = input_box([1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,14],label="Enter domain R (in brackets):"),
Probs = input_box([1/20,1/20,1/20,3/20,1/20,4/20,4/20,1/20,1/20,3/20],label="Enter corresponding f(x) (in brackets):"),
n_samples=slider(100,10000,100,100,label="Number of times to sample from this distribution:")):
n = len(D)
R = range(n)
one_huh = sum(Probs)
pretty_print('\n\nJust to be certain, we should check to make certain the probabilities sum to 1\n')
pretty_print(html('<center>$\sum_{x\epsilon R} f(x) = %s$</center>'%str(one_huh)))
G = Graphics()
if len(D)==len(Probs):
f = zip(D,Probs)
meanf = 0
variancef = 0
for k in R:
meanf += D[k]*Probs[k]
variancef += D[k]^2*Probs[k]
G += line([(D[k],0),(D[k],Probs[k])],color='green')
variancef = variancef - meanf^2
sd = sqrt(variancef)
G += points(f,color='blue',size=50)
G += point((meanf,0),color='yellow',size=60,zorder=3)
G += line([(meanf-sd,0),(meanf+sd,0)],color='red',thickness=5)
g = DiscreteProbabilitySpace(D,Probs)
pretty_print(' mean = %s'%str(meanf))
pretty_print(' variance = %s'%str(variancef))
# perhaps to add mean and variance for pmf here
print 'Domain D and Probabilities Probs must be lists of the same size'
# Now, let's sample from the distribution given above and see how a random sampling matches up
counts = [0] * len(Probs)
X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(Probs)
sample = []
for _ in range(n_samples):
elem = X.get_random_element()
counts[elem] += 1
Empirical = [1.0*x/n_samples for x in counts] # random
samplemean = mean(sample)
samplevariance = variance(sample)
sampdev = sqrt(samplevariance)
E = points(zip(D,Empirical),color='orange',size=40)
E += point((samplemean,0.005),color='brown',size=60,zorder=3)
E += line([(samplemean-sampdev,0.005),(samplemean+sampdev,0.005)],color='orange',thickness=5)
Click to the left again to hide and once more to show the dynamic interactive window